Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The “Time to be more than great” Tigers Fan.

As if 95 wins and first place in the A.L. central isn’t great enough.  It certainly seems like the Tigers are lurking fearlessly amongst rodents and insects in that food chain, considering they won the division by 15 games last year.  If only the post-season were as simple as its predecessor, then Detroit’s sporting felines would really be kings of the jungle.  However Tigers fans, and Lions fans for that matter, having seen post-season hardship first-hand this season, haven’t necessarily been accustomed to the daunting reality of the playoffs in years of late.

The Tigers, being starved of playoff rations since 2006, found their lucky number 95 again last year and eagerly experienced only their second playoff appearance since 1987.  However, despite mounting entertaining and unexpected playoff runs in both 2006 and 2011, they were unsuccessful at cashing in on the main prize both times.  A prize which has eluded the savage predators for 27 years now and one they’ll look to catch again in 2012.
With the Tigers bringing essentially the same streak1 as they did last year, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them at the top of the A.L. central food chain again in 2012.  With Justin “9 innings, 99 MPH, No Problem” Verlander at the helm, and virtually the same “good for 4th best in the league” line-up returning, Tigers fans can sleep tight at night without 2003 and 119 losses haunting them.
The Tigers have had knack for inconsistent performance over the last 8 years, and before that it changes from inconsistent to consistently dismal.  But with the superstars leading the way and Dave Dombrowski’s faith in his upcoming home-grown talent, the Tigers seem like they are in a position to start a path of consistency in a positive direction.  From there, it’ll just be a task of deciphering the playoff puzzle, easier said than done when you’re not playing the Royals, Twins, and White Sox in October.  To feast on 2012’s Filet Mignon, the Tigers will need to duplicate 2011, while adding a little extra sugar to their Frosted Flakes in October.  If only Kellogg’s replaced Tony the Tiger with Melky Cabrera, then all would be well. 

1Streak: The proper term for a congregation of Tigers.  Also could be referred to as an ambush. Ex: An ambush of tigers ambushed us today.

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